Cross training for Aerialists


If you are an aerialist looking to build flexibility, endurance, functional strength, and more, you have come to the right place! Using my experience as an aerialist and aerial instructor, I have developed The Aerial Method to help you get to the next level. The Method consists of three main session types that are systematically tailored to your goals. I currently offer sessions via Zoom.


Private and semi-private sessions are now available by request Monday-Friday from 6:00AM-12:00PM!


The Aerial Method Session Types:


Dreaming of finally getting your splits? Working towards a straight-leg scorpion? Hoping to relieve some of that shoulder and hip-flexor tightness from your aerial sessions? I will work with you from any starting point and will be tailor your training towards any goal. This session type will help you improve functional mobility and get you to your flashier goals without compromising health.

Conditioning & Control

You don’t need to go to the gym 6 days per week — or at all! From the comfort of your home (and with minimal equipment), you can strengthen your whole body, maximize your endurance, and improve your overall fitness. We will target your goals, including key aerial skills such as inversions, through pilates-style movements, functional strength training, and challenging circuits.

Ballet Basics for Aerialists

Ballet is one of the best complimentary activities for aerialists. This beginner-friendly session will help strengthen your stabilizing muscles, improve your lines, and increase your range of motion. Additionally, dancing has been known inspire your artistry and musicality! We will work through the core skills of ballet and explore how our technique on the ground can translate to the air.